In the first post, I argued that antisemitism is a historically limited ideology and not a metaphysical entity that transcends time and space, mutating and taking possession of people’s minds. In the second part, I argued that antisemitism is adaptive within the Far Right because it appeals to certain mental habits that draw people into such circles and which they cultivate further once there. Antisemitism has an unalterable advantage over its competitors for Far-Right attention because, principally, it got there first and has a large body of ‘content’ and influencers ready to spread the message, but also because of the available options that meet the desired criteria it’s actually the least moronic. The problem is fundamentally with the way the Rightoid sees the world, and if you can’t change that there is little you can do to alter the magnetic attraction which antisemitism works upon him.
Anyway, the articles did pretty well, so I thought I’d squeeze a little more juice out of the topic with a low effort post dealing with some miscellaneous remaining thoughts I have on the matter.
In general, whenever there is a debate about where X or Y person is antisemitic, he isn’t, and the entire subject should be dropped. You’ve probably heard the following joke:
How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry they’ll tell you.
Well, antisemites make vegans look like a cross between John the Silent and that guy from No Country for Old Men with the bolt stunner. Once we understand that antisemitism is an ideology and not a wraith virus, this is hardly surprising. No-one has long-standing debates about where this or that blogger is a Libertarian, because all you have to do is check whether he writes frequently about the Federal Reserve and is always trying to tell you the definition of an ephebophile. People with ideologies like to tell you about them. Antisemites, though, like to tell you about their beliefs more than the average. If someone disclaims antisemitism and states that he does not believe that Jews are the principal problem with the world and need to be fought, he probably just isn’t. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have depraved or idiotic views. Lots of people do. If you want to understand why they hate Israel, just ask them. Again, it might be stupid, but stupid ≠ antisemitic.
Another thing that needs to be dropped is arguing about whether certain opinions or beliefs about the world are antisemitic. All ideologies contain a mixture of different claims and arguments. No ideology consists exclusively of untruths. A reasonable person doesn’t accuse you of socialism if you believe that capitalism creates structural unemployment, or of fascism if you think people should lift weights; the same goes for any individual belief that forms a part of antisemitism. All these beliefs should be assessed based on whether they are true or not, not whether they ‘are’ antisemitic, which doesn’t even really mean anything. It should be emphasised, though, that antisemites themselves have almost nothing of worth to contribute to such discussions because they are messed up, which brings me to the next point.
Antisemitism is a really bad ideology. It had as fair a crack as anyone could reasonably ask and it led to the death of tens of millions of Europeans, the Communist capture of half of Europe, and the near extinguishment of the European civilization antisemites purported to defend. No-one forced the Nazis to team up with Stalin to dismember conservative Catholic Poland. Perhaps there are other ideologies that are more stupid than antisemitism, but at least they can say ‘real X hasn’t been tried’. Real antisemitism has been tried and there’s no good reason its proponents should be listened to at all. Genuinely, at this point, the greatest contribution they could make to the White race would be putting a bullet in their head.
There is a stupid belief common to both antisemites and the antisemitism industry, which is that America, and white countries in general, are always one step away from breaking out into antisemitism. For example, a certain spastic who has left around 50 pointless and unproductive comments on this blog over the past few weeks told me:
In the 1930 Federal German election, the NSDAP won 107 out of 557 seats, so any German Jew under the impression that everything was hunky dory on the antisemitism front must have been on some pretty strong opium. More than that, though, there had been explicitly antisemitic parties, including ones that had antisemitism in their name, in the German parliament for 50 years. Hell, the German Conservative party officially included antisemitism in its electoral programme in 1892. The idea that one day ‘for no reason at all’ Germans became antisemitic and elected the Nazis has literally no basis in fact at all; it was the product of nearly a century of dedicated propaganda.
This is the kind of stupidity that comes from seeing antisemitism as a ‘virus’ rather than an ideology. You could get a virus at any moment; you might get Covid tomorrow and be bedridden for literally minutes. Ideologies aren’t like that though. How likely is it that Libertarians will take over America three years from now? Not very, but they have had a party getting 2 or 3% in elections for decades and a whole nonprofit ecosystem promoting their beliefs. Do antisemites have that? So what are you even talking about?A lot of people say that Jews should combat antisemitism by desisting from subverting western countries through the promotion of filth leftism. I’m not promoting filth leftism, though, and if other Jews are then WTF am I supposed to do about it? Jews, stop promoting filth leftism. There, I did my best, what now?
Now, for sure, Jews shouldn’t promote filth leftism, no-one should be promoting filth leftism. Filth leftism is bad! As an anti-antisemitism strategy, though, it won’t work. Antisemites are already aware, for example, that Zionist interests play a major role in promoting anti-immigration parties in Europe, in particular Hungary. They call it the ‘kosher sandwich’, which just means that whatever Jews do it’s still bad, unless they become Nazis and maybe even then. To reiterate, this is an absolutely moronic ideology for losers, that has comprehensively lost and has nothing to offer the world except more losing. The truth, anyway, is that while Jewish political activity over the 20th century is nothing to be proud of, it’s not as bad as antisemites say. Self-criticise, but don’t beat yourself up. For more details, see the excellent substack Mischling Review, who actually does real research, unlike me, and you should already be subscribing to.Finally, I’ve emphasised, and I’ll emphasise again that, while individual leftwingers, and occasionally groups, may adopt antisemitism as a more or less well integrated part of their worldview, this is rare, and there is no such thing as a separate leftwing version of antisemitism. I don’t say that in order to vindicate leftwingers, I say it, first, because it’s true, but also to condemn leftwingers. The antisemitism allegation serves to hive off the obsessive leftist promotion of the insane destructive nonsense of Palestinian nationalism as an excrescence that could be purged simply by persuading leftists to stop being antisemitic. The much worse reality is that the way leftists treat the Israel-Palestine conflict is a logical and natural extension of their sick and perverse worldview.
Things, however, are a bit more complicated when it comes to the Arabs. Obviously, an Arab in Jaffa circa 1895 didn’t have to be antisemitic to oppose Zionism, indeed, that is a central part of my argument. Nevertheless, the fact is that the ideology of antisemitism was eagerly propagated to and within the Arab world, and a lot of Arabs believe in it, across both Left-Right and religious-secular divides. For example, here is a bit of the original Hamas charter:That is why you find them giving these attempts constant attention through information campaigns, films, and the school curriculum, using for that purpose their lackeys who are infiltrated through Zionist organizations under various names and shapes, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, espionage groups and others, which are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs.
I remember that there was a Rotary Club round the corner next to the Fish and Chip shop when I was growing up. If memory serves, you could get a pint there, and, if you were a member, the pint was half-price, but the members were all old guys. They also sometimes organised events for local yoof to encourage them to do something more productive than standing around in tracksuits practising their scowls. When I visited this summer, I noticed it’s now become another infernal vape shop. But what does that have to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict? Nothing, except that hating on Rotary Clubs was a part of the low-IQ antisemitic literature Arab opinion formers thought was nifty. This is a reasonably important issue, principally, because it goes some way to explaining all the dumb stuff Palestinians and Arabs have done over the past 100 years. For more details, see Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, who, again, is a proper scholar you should already be subscribing to.
Finally, a brief note about this substack over the coming months. I’m a schoolteacher and term starts this week, so I won’t be able to continue pumping stuff out like I have been over the summer. I’m going to shoot for an article every two weeks, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep to it. My initial goal when I started out was 200 subscribers by the end of the summer, and I’m pushing 400 so I think I can count the first wave a success. I’ve got a few dozen articles in my head before I start scraping the barrel and I’m hoping next summer to give it another push and start monetizing this thing. If that works, then I can do fun stuff like book reviews and flame wars with online personalities. In the meantime, I really appreciate everyone who has liked, subscribed, and shared and I’d appreciate it even more if you do some more sharing. I just shelled out for a custom url, so you can now put my articles on Twitter without the post getting shadow banned. ❤️
"This is the kind of stupidity that comes from seeing antisemitism as a ‘virus’ rather than an ideology. You could get a virus at any moment; you might get Covid tomorrow and be bedridden for literally minutes. Ideologies aren’t like that though. How likely is it that Libertarians will take over America three years from now? Not very, but they have had a party getting 2 or 3% in elections for decades and a whole nonprofit ecosystem promoting their beliefs. Do antisemites have that? So what are you even talking about?"
It's a common cope between antisemite rightoids believing the "great awakening" is just a matter of time and if it not happened yet is because Hollywood propaganda movies about Holocaust and da jooz controlling porn industry are forcing people to masturbate in front of a screen instead of going to assault jewish storages like old good times.
Let's presume tomorrow Hollywood stop producing Holocaust movies, that would suddenly incentivize people to hunting jews like Hans Landa in Inglorious Bastards? If my memory helps there was a time Hollywood used to produce a lot of Western movies featuring Indian Americans as victims of evil yankees. Now you don't see a lot of films like that anymore, and yet there are still zero white americans larping as General Custer moving to assault last Indian tribes...
“Real antisemitism has been tried and there’s no good reason its proponents should be listened to at all. Genuinely, at this point, the greatest contribution they could make to the White race would be putting a bullet in their head.”
Saying antisemites have nothing of worth to contribute to the JQ is akin to saying that a group formed in response to an issue has no business of having discussions about it (veganism, feminism, white nationalism). The JQ will continue to be a pressing issue for as long as Jews continue to remain a powerful force in society while maintaining a distinct collective identity as they demand everyone else to be universalist.
Your post is filled with personal insults, strawmanning and idiotic claims such as craving up of Poland is a result of antisemitism. When it comes to identifying particular Jewish behaviour fueling antisemetism you’re dismissing it as a joke. And promotion of “Filth-leftism” is not even the main problem people have with Jews. A bigger issue is those promoting it, supporting the Jewish state of Israel even as they unleash the Gazan genocide. This is called double standards. One rule for the noble Jews and another for goyim.
The fact that you can’t entertain the possibility that people throughout time and space are upset with Jews over something that Jews still continue to do is yet another example of a Jewish coping strategy.