For my money, the great weakness of neocons was their inability to accept the importance of HBD, whether in their just not being open about it, or in actually buying into blank slatism to some degree. We will never be able to hold all groups of people to the same standards, and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we can get back to at least attempting healthy policy.
I wrote this before getting to the postscript: "To the extent that Trotskyism defines socialists who don't like Soviet-style communism, the FDR coalition was Trotskyite. Which I believe makes Yarvin a Trotskyite, which also makes him a neocon."
"Neocons are Trotskyites" is beginning to sound like the James Lindsey formulation that "White identity is a form of Wokeness, and Wokeness is a form of Gnosticism." I am more willing to believe that "Neocons are Straussians."
I want to offer an alternate explanation as to what Yarvin actually means when he says that NeoCons are Trotskyites: It may not be literally true that they are (in the main) morphologically descended, or even heavily influenced by trotskyism. But it’s SPIRITUALLY true. Meaning, NeoCons, since their rise to dominance in the 80’s, have filled the same role in relation to the left that the original Trotskyists played in relation to the Bolsheviks - they’re true believers in the revolution, but they want to be more pragmatic and realistic in how it’s implemented, rather than trying to skip straight to whatever vision of utopia the ruling leftist elite are currently trying to steer towards.
In other words, the whole phenomenon of “conservatives are just progressives driving the speed limit” is an inherently Trotskyist one, which the NeoCons perfectly embody.
It wasn’t necessarily meant to be a charitable defense of Yarvin, it’s just my candid opinion of what i think he means whenever he repeats this “neocons = trotskyites” meme. I don’t know what you mean by “wordcellism”.
I think the charitable "spiritually true" angle is just that Trotsky wanted to export the revolution (as opposed to the "nationalist," socialism-in-one-country Stalin). Neocons supposedly want to export the [American] revolution/democracy.
That is even worse since, as the article I linked to the footnote points out, the whole point of Trotsky’s advocacy of world revolution was to obviate the need for exporting communism by Russian military action, which he was against. Stalin invaded loads of countries to export socialism.
And Stalin was right! Revolutionary socialism was overwhelmingly spread via his model as opposed to Trotsky's. Stalin led the spread of revolutionary socialism to a larger percentage of the world than anyone else in history, including Lenin and Mao. Trotskyists have never seized power anywhere. The Church of Scientology is a bigger threat to world domination.
I remember an even better example. I was reading the Times Literary Supplement in 2003 or 4 and reading a very positive piece about Claes Ryn and Paul Gottfried and their criticism of neocons. I had never even heard of Paul Gottfried at the time and it was only years later that it popped into my head and I realized how strange that was.
I just want to stop and admire the phrase “grandiloquent yet meaningless” as applied to Curtis Yarvin. Man that guy bloviates.
I've been waiting for someone to write this post for years.
I hope it doesn't disappoint.
For my money, the great weakness of neocons was their inability to accept the importance of HBD, whether in their just not being open about it, or in actually buying into blank slatism to some degree. We will never be able to hold all groups of people to the same standards, and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we can get back to at least attempting healthy policy.
I wrote this before getting to the postscript: "To the extent that Trotskyism defines socialists who don't like Soviet-style communism, the FDR coalition was Trotskyite. Which I believe makes Yarvin a Trotskyite, which also makes him a neocon."
"Neocons are Trotskyites" is beginning to sound like the James Lindsey formulation that "White identity is a form of Wokeness, and Wokeness is a form of Gnosticism." I am more willing to believe that "Neocons are Straussians."
Ha! The FDR coalition was definitely not defined by not liking Soviet style communism.
My favorite Trotsky fact is that his granddaughter is the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the United States
I want to offer an alternate explanation as to what Yarvin actually means when he says that NeoCons are Trotskyites: It may not be literally true that they are (in the main) morphologically descended, or even heavily influenced by trotskyism. But it’s SPIRITUALLY true. Meaning, NeoCons, since their rise to dominance in the 80’s, have filled the same role in relation to the left that the original Trotskyists played in relation to the Bolsheviks - they’re true believers in the revolution, but they want to be more pragmatic and realistic in how it’s implemented, rather than trying to skip straight to whatever vision of utopia the ruling leftist elite are currently trying to steer towards.
In other words, the whole phenomenon of “conservatives are just progressives driving the speed limit” is an inherently Trotskyist one, which the NeoCons perfectly embody.
I think that is an even less charitable interpretation than the one I arrived at. Pure wordcelism.
It wasn’t necessarily meant to be a charitable defense of Yarvin, it’s just my candid opinion of what i think he means whenever he repeats this “neocons = trotskyites” meme. I don’t know what you mean by “wordcellism”.
I think the charitable "spiritually true" angle is just that Trotsky wanted to export the revolution (as opposed to the "nationalist," socialism-in-one-country Stalin). Neocons supposedly want to export the [American] revolution/democracy.
That is even worse since, as the article I linked to the footnote points out, the whole point of Trotsky’s advocacy of world revolution was to obviate the need for exporting communism by Russian military action, which he was against. Stalin invaded loads of countries to export socialism.
And Stalin was right! Revolutionary socialism was overwhelmingly spread via his model as opposed to Trotsky's. Stalin led the spread of revolutionary socialism to a larger percentage of the world than anyone else in history, including Lenin and Mao. Trotskyists have never seized power anywhere. The Church of Scientology is a bigger threat to world domination.
Yeah i guess that kind of fits together with my interpretation
I see you earned a הסכמה from your fellow Brit, IfYouTickleUs:
I remember an even better example. I was reading the Times Literary Supplement in 2003 or 4 and reading a very positive piece about Claes Ryn and Paul Gottfried and their criticism of neocons. I had never even heard of Paul Gottfried at the time and it was only years later that it popped into my head and I realized how strange that was.