Evidence is indeed strongly suggestive of a link, not definitive proof. Alzheimer’s gets blamed on something new every few years.
But don’t you think it’s a stretch to say that because Trump has been known to eat a McDonald’s burger once in a while he’s definitely going to be demented? He shows zero signs of dementia and is very clever. …
Evidence is indeed strongly suggestive of a link, not definitive proof. Alzheimer’s gets blamed on something new every few years.
But don’t you think it’s a stretch to say that because Trump has been known to eat a McDonald’s burger once in a while he’s definitely going to be demented? He shows zero signs of dementia and is very clever. Biden on the other hand was never clever and clearly in decline for years. Trump can speak extemporaneously for hours on many topics. I see no signs of cognitive decline.
I think getting shot changed his attitude. I think that’s part of it. We all slow down as we age. That’s not debatable. But that’s different than being demented. Hopefully wisdom makes up for some of the loss of speed in cognition.
Evidence is indeed strongly suggestive of a link, not definitive proof. Alzheimer’s gets blamed on something new every few years.
But don’t you think it’s a stretch to say that because Trump has been known to eat a McDonald’s burger once in a while he’s definitely going to be demented? He shows zero signs of dementia and is very clever. Biden on the other hand was never clever and clearly in decline for years. Trump can speak extemporaneously for hours on many topics. I see no signs of cognitive decline.
Trump's still cool but he's definitely a little bit slower than he was when he was younger (not just 1st term but before that)
I think getting shot changed his attitude. I think that’s part of it. We all slow down as we age. That’s not debatable. But that’s different than being demented. Hopefully wisdom makes up for some of the loss of speed in cognition.
Yeah, that is definitely not happening.
Being shot changed him, but not for the better. He's much more bent on revenge this time around.
Good. He should be after 10 years of BS from Democrat criminals including assassination attempts.