Stuff like PEPFAR could be bad optics. But most people really didn't hear or care about PEPFAR. PEPFAR is big on substack, but it didn't spawn any huge protests. You know what did? The federal probationary employee firings. That could look bad because, unemployment doesn't look good. Maybe there will be some accidents. But, on the other hand, Americans hate taxes and waste. Putting every cut next to a savings number looks good.

Trump's age will be a concern going into 2028. For his existing term, he seems more comfortable delegating tasks. I suspect this came with building a team he can actually trust this time around.

I could not read the prior article due to the paywall - was it putting the new Trump term as another limp dicked conservative cleanup?

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Most of the prior article isn't behind a paywall.

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Why does it bother me that a British person is obsessed with American politics. There's something that just ain't right about it. Mildly disturbing. Just can't put my finger on it.

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It's the same reason that you are more interested in federal than state politics.

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That bothers me too. Perhaps even more.

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I get it. Get the same feeling from John Arcto, Academic Agent, and others who talk about America politics like it’s their country and they “get it” just as well as someone who lives here (which they clearly don’t)

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PEPFAR, SCHMEPFAR. Not everyone is convinced by the link between HIV and AIDS. Kerry Mullis who won a Nobel Prize, wasn't. $100 Billion buys a lot scientific consensus.

Pharma credibility is in the toilet. That's a vibe.

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> And if [limiting population growth]’s your thing, there are a hell of a lot more effective ways to suppress population growth than promoting AIDs.

Such as distributing condoms! But that's woke too now.

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What has surprised me the most about this second Trump admin is the weakness of libs and the submissive nature of the Deep State. Tulsi got confirmed and now Trump looks like he's going to give the Russians what they want in Ukraine and all the libs and Deep Staters can do is whine about it on CNN. It's pathetic. Where are the investigations, leaks and life ruinations? Vibes shifting and general lib demoralisation is to blame for this pathetic state of affairs? Also, I have been thinking, when will the next wave of Wokeness crash to shore? 2030s? 2040s? What will their pet causes be? Double down on trans?

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There has never really been a Deep State in the way the term is used. Just a lot of people working in a lot of jobs, both governmental and non-governmental positions, who have no way of coordinating except through ideology. So, yeah, take away the vibes and they can't do anything.

Hard to predict in advance what the next wokeness wave will be, though, it's safe to say that Blackness will figure in it. Trans couldn't have been predicted in the 1990s because the technology for mass implementation wasn't there. Same may will be the case for the next oned.

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The libs being this weak surprised me, too. But it isn't surprising at all when you consider that they've systemically moved away from and replaced their highest-quality source of EHC* for the sake of promoting the dumbest, least-effective, and most dysfunctional members of their coalition** in the old reliables place.

I think many just expected it to be more rhetorical, but the libs really did follow thru. Both with candidates and with staffing. We're also now finding out WHY they didn't make this move sooner.

* White and yellow males, without penalizing them for heterosexuality

** Diverse women, alphabet people

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You are correct, sir.

Given his advancing dementia, it won't be pretty.

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Apparently PEPFAR doesn't even save many lives. Another NGO scam.


I think what it really comes down to is "I don't feel an obligation to uplift the worlds poor dumb brown people" versus "but my drowning child analogy!"

Funding PEPFAR is probably a cheap way to deny a bad new cycle soundbite. But its the overall "universalist, equilist" ethic is based on that is poison.

A good example of this conflict is JDVance talking about ordo amoris and Pope Francis saying all good Catholics have to welcome a brown tide in their countries.

At some point you've got to be able to say "fuck off, yeah these are my particularist values and I'm not going to defend them with a dozen apologies and caveats."

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Nitpick: while I agree that Trump was (is) unpredictable, I think that with the benefit of hindsight, we can view the Trump 2016 phenomenon as *somewhat* inevitable. If you look at the rhetoric and style of Ted Cruz, for example, he was clearly anti-immigrant and pro-wall. The weird thing about Trump is his relationship to class and wealth (being a rich guy who brags about buying politicians, while eating big macs) and his lack of religiousness. But those things about Trump have diminished in the last 8 years. Trump 2025 embraces the wealthy and evangelicals. If anything, the most unusual parts of Trump have moderated, while the most mainstream elements of his populism have amplified (they're eating cats and dogs!). I think it follows from a decline in IQ and increases in the visibility of immigrants between 1996 and 2016, as well as white demographic decline. Can't give Trump all the credit.

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I think Ted Cruz only said all that stuff in 2016 because he was trying to catch up with Trump.

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Trump is authentically Trump, even if you don't like what you get and think he's authentically crazy or bad.

Ted Cruz is about as unauthentic as it gets. Same was true of most of Trumps opponents.

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Trump will make you face palm. But he’s not demented and will not be because of seed oils. You think McDonald’s causes dementia. LMAO. Trump has more energy than people 20 -25 years younger. When he shows you some dementia, let us know. The reason Trump was elected is a) because big money and more ordinary people see the dumpster fire Democrats for what they are, an existential threat to our continued existence as a free nation, and b) because somebody in the Deep State decided not to cheat so hard this time around, which is even more interesting.

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The link between seed oil consumption and dementia is well supported.

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Nutrition science is generally messy, with a dearth of properly controlled studies. What we do have, though, including a meta analysis of RCTs, suggests that replacing saturated fat with alternatives, particularly polyunsaturated fats, which are main type of fat in most seed oils has positive health effects (https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD011737.pub2/full, discussed in this article which discusses the evidence regarding seed oils: https://dynomight.net/seed-oil/).

After a brief search, the main study I see cited as evidence for seed oils causing dementia is this: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7041656/ which isn't a meta analysis, isn't an RCT, didn't study humans, and doesn't seem to have found cognitive changes, but rather dysregulation of gene expression in the hypothalamus, concluding that "our results ... raise the possibility that the SO-rich American diet may be ... affecting neurological function."

I've also found trials from the last few years attempting to look at cognitive benefits various of seed oils.

For example, this recent study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38306046/ found that pomegranate seed oil had cognitive benefits. [While someone might object to reference to pomegranate oil, since it's not a commonly attacked seed oil, note that it contains linoleic acid, which is the constituent of seed oils often blamed for supposed negative effects.]

And pomegranate seed oil isn't the only seed oil that's been proposed to have potential cognitive benefits.

This large study on humans found diet didn't significantly affect dementia: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2727449.

The apparent absence of cognitive effects of even very severe nutritional deficits (https://www.cremieux.xyz/i/146562912/terrible-times-make-for-powerful-studies) as well as the limited cognitive effects of various nutrition interventions (https://www.cremieux.xyz/i/146562912/nutrition-on-trial) would be further reason to be inclined a priori against a nutrient having a significant cognitive impact.

So it doesn't appear to me that there's any sort of consensus that seed oils cause dementia or other cognitive problems, just as I don't think there's strong evidence that they help cognitive function.

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I should really write a response to this, but the truth is that what I really meant by 'The link between seed oil consumption and dementia is well supported.' is that Ray Peat says there is a link and quotes a bunch of studies. So I could be wrong, but I don't have the time to choose a whole new dietary shittah right now. Anyway, Trump's diet is really bad לכל הדעות pretty much.

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Evidence is indeed strongly suggestive of a link, not definitive proof. Alzheimer’s gets blamed on something new every few years.

But don’t you think it’s a stretch to say that because Trump has been known to eat a McDonald’s burger once in a while he’s definitely going to be demented? He shows zero signs of dementia and is very clever. Biden on the other hand was never clever and clearly in decline for years. Trump can speak extemporaneously for hours on many topics. I see no signs of cognitive decline.

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Trump's still cool but he's definitely a little bit slower than he was when he was younger (not just 1st term but before that)

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I think getting shot changed his attitude. I think that’s part of it. We all slow down as we age. That’s not debatable. But that’s different than being demented. Hopefully wisdom makes up for some of the loss of speed in cognition.

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Yeah, that is definitely not happening.

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Being shot changed him, but not for the better. He's much more bent on revenge this time around.

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Good. He should be after 10 years of BS from Democrat criminals including assassination attempts.

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