To be fair, at least Daryl Cooper at MartyrMade is consistent - he would say the Palestinians also had a right to be pissed about displacement from their ancient homeland and may well say the same about say the Zulu in South Africa or the Irish in Ireland. But obviously the in England class was always about race within the white race. The class hierarchy was always a race hierarchy of gypsies then jews then celts then anglo-saxons then normans with no conception that being "white" they had anything in common at all.
It's not about whether he is consistent or not, it's about the ludicrous pretence that these riots are in some way a means of 'defending their home' or 'dealing with treacherous elites'. Even if these riots were well-organised, had articulate leadership, clear goals etc. they would still be completely ineffective, but given that they are literally just lowlifes randomly breaking windows it's really grotesque self-gratification to cheer this on. It would be more edifying if he filmed himself masturbating frankly.
I do find your view interesting if I am understanding it correctly - that white supremacy is actually a less "racist" view than white nationalism is since the former can be thought of as power and flourishing disparities as just the end result of group level human capital differences but has some room to recognize that in the areas of population data overlap, you will see non-whites in part of the white supremacy structure (since every race has some share of brahmins even if the group data differs) and that is perfectly ok,. But white nationalism idiotically sees white people as a class with common interests despite human capital gulfs at the individual level within races that in the individual instance might overwhelm group differences which is the far more racist view. You can read about how white slave traders would often amicably socially mix with the elite of the African kingdoms and be impressed with their retinues, their wealth, and their nobility while herding slaves on to slave ships without any cognitive dissonance at all. Read for example about captain William Foster of the last slave ship Clotilda - meeting amicably with African princes to do the deal. Even some leftist political scientists like Adolph Reed say people overemphasize the naked racism at the core of the slave trade and argue that racism as an ideology came later, that initially the slave trade was about business transacations between cross continental elites. Or if you read John Barry's book Rising Tide about the 1929 MIssissippi flood, the local poor racist resentful white rabble was critical of the much less racist (but white supermacist) planter and business elite for preferring blacks to them because the latter had manners owing to proximity in service to white elites.
Yes. Not necessarily more or less racist. Just better. But my point here was not so much that White Nationalism is bad, though it is, but that it's completely alien to any native British tradition.
How is telling the low class whites to larp as servants any less helpful than encouraging the riots? Playacting downton abbey won’t bring the old lords back.
There are right now tens of millions of service jobs being done by immigrants because they come on time, do what they are told, are polite, speak only when spoken to and accept low wages. If low class whites want not to be replaced, then that's what they have to do. If they don't want to do it, then they shall be replaced.
Well, yes, if you want to be governed differently, you need to change the government; if you want to be governed entirely differently, you need to change the entire government.
The USA is primarily controlled by legislation. Removing minimum wage laws would mean getting a majority of congressionals to agree. They won’t. The kind of senator who would vote against minimum wage was produced by an entirely different educational system and cultural background that no longer exists. A dictator could change it if he took power and it were to his fancy, but how would that happen in America?
The seeming mystery of why intelligence and charisma are so mutually exclusive to the Chinese, I chalk up to our centuries long, cultural program of selecting only based on wordcel IQ scores
I enjoyed this entire post, but it seems you contradict yourself when you say you support white supremacy? After that entire section about how there are as many distinctions within the races as there are between the races? If so, what is the point of white supremacy? All you need is class supremacy, which is much more self-identifying, as the elite classes naturally rise to the top everywhere. Why would white supremacy be relevant to a world in which the highest IQ whites share the power with high-IQ Indians, Chinese, Nigerians?
I think that Whites have other qualities aside from intelligence that makes them equipped to rule, which Chinese in particular lack. But, yes, the truly just system would be 'mostly white supremacism'.
However, in practice, white supremacy is very unstable and wisdom dictates we decrease immigration as much as possible and try to make the best of what we have.
Well, that's where you're wrong. If I thought English orthography and semitic phonology would bring in the punters, I'd switch to that in a flash.
Anyway, since you asked, strictly speaking, the correct spelling would be 'nacba' (as in 'tactic' or 'picnic'), however, the convention to transliterate foreign words with 'k' has become universal (hence 'karaoke' or 'kangaroo') thus 'nakba'. There is also a more modern custom to distinguish between the two 'k' sounds in semitic languages. This really took off in the early 2000s when people showed how sophisticated they were by writing Al Queda instead of Al Kyeedah. IMHO, this is a pretentious and fussy custom and I prefer the tradition English Koran over the pseud Quran. However, 'naqba' is not only pretentious, it's also wrong, and pretentious and wrong is a bad combo, which is probably why you have a two-year old Substack with a dozen subscribers 😛.
All English are mix, but the mix is not equal. The further south and east the more Saxon and the less Celt you are. With class it’s a bit more complicated. It’s certainly the case that proportion of Norman ancestry correlates with class, but Saxon is more controversial.
I heard the distinction from East to West and South to North is mild and that the majority of Britons DNA is pre-Roman or Celt. It’s culture that (mainly) matters anyway.
Yes the majority is Celt among pretty much everyone. It was mostly a joke, but it is actually true that low class whites are likely less Saxon and have more recent Gypsie, Irish and even black admixture. This is a tu quoque argument against internet rightoids who consider them to be the truest representatives of real British people, not a major plank of the argument. More to the point, even is everyone was from one ancestor population, society would still sort itself by class based on innate intelligence, competence etc. Culture isn't just some thing that falls from the sky randomly.
But when you say recent Irish, gypsy, black admixture, they immigrated as working class migrants so their descendants are obviously going to be more likely to be in the working class now.
Just as there’s a big difference between Indian and Pakistani (and Bangladeshi) income and social class level because Indians have generally been more skilled migrants and settled in the South where it has maintained economic prosperity unlike northern mill towns for example (with high numbers of Pakistanis). Yet these groups are genetically similar.
Also when you say black, there’s a significant difference between black Caribbean and black African groups because Black Africans are more likely to have emigrated into more skilled jobs and have stronger family units and values. So it’s not genetics, they’re both West African origin.
I think you are mistaking the goals of the "right" to be simply to "go back to how we were". That is just a strawman. Literally no one is saying this. What people want is equality, on the right too. You may find that hard to believe, but it is true.
The Right's ideals are garble of incompatible desires, most of which are, even when considered individually, stupid. One of the things they want, as you correctly say, is an arbitrarily circumscribed concept of equality. Another is to return to some better era, that usually in practice means 1990 minus the bad bits. I am saying that, instead, they should draw on the traditions of their culture and nation to provide inspiration for a better future. In the case of Britain, that means a restoration of the class system adapted for modern life.
This is more strawmen, sorry, strawpeople sprinkled with insults. Your comment does not wear well in the US. Clearly the left is still dividing people into marketing segments and then addressing them individually. Whereas Trump had the same message to every demographic and won. Maybe we are indeed in the post racial society that the Dems created, but then are still clinging to that vision as a way of winning..and they ain't.
> The only social function these people ever had in the real world was to serve; take that away from them, and you took more than any Hampstead liberal ever did, or could.
England did pretty well post war when there was social mobility. Now the idiots are back in charge, as they previously were.
In any case the country could be majority British and work pretty well, as it did in the 90s.
There is an importation of American politics here though, even the term White is an import.
Kerr Starmer’s attitude to the race riots in the US is clearly different to his opinion in Britain - why was the future prime minister taking the knee based on something that happened in the US. This is subservience not to American blacks but to American Democrats. I’m good to be a vassal, he said, and well - here he is.
What are you talking about? I grew up in the 1990s, and it was universally acknowledged that chavs were a major social problem and there were millions of generationally unemployed.
You mentioned that the protesters would be quite Irish in origin, however I don’t think that would be case since these protesters skew heavily low socioeconomic and ‘White Irish’ is the highest earning ethnic subdivision (by quite some distance!) according to the ONS:
People who identify as White Irish on the census are not the same as Irish people who came over during the Potato famine and married into the lowest strata of society. I presume they are mostly professionals who came over in the 70s and 80s for employment, benefitting from Irish membership of the EU.
You have to assume that Irish immigrants emerged into the middle classes at the same rate as anybody else and if intermarriage were common then the poor are mixed ethnicities by now. This would explain why they don’t mark themselves as white Irish on the census - because they mostly aren’t.
No, because penniless Irish immigrants who came over in the potato famine didn't disperse throughout society, but principally into the bottom rung.
They are not mostly Irish, but they are more Irish than the average white Englishman, also more gypsie, and more black. That's not an insult, I am addressing internet Right Wingers who imagine them to be the most authentic English, when, by ancestry, a Guardian reading liberal is almost certainly more purely English than they are.
Also more broadly I think you’re an easterner at heart. I feel as if the eastern/western divide is whether you think life liberty and the pursuit of happiness/ equalitadad, fraternidad, is a good or heaping bullshit. The eastern mindset can be summed up as those values are sacks of shit and human nature/reality operates on hiarchy,coercion, and servitude.
I tend to want to emotionally minimize harm and maximize happiness (in that order) so I am in the western camp and oppose this eastern take. I mean you really want to be an easterner/russian/chinese? I think it’s lazy to cast you out as evil, as the world usually operates on your worldview, but it’s better to operate on the western model if possible.
It’s fun to go with the eastern camp when you intellectually masturbate your self into being superior (on whatever ground), but spoiler you’re not!!
Not sure how teaching people to be of service and useful members of society isn’t minimizing harm and increasing happiness. All humans crave order. I doesn’t matter whether their ways of thinking are “Eastern” or “Western”. The problem is confusing “freedom”(what a nebulous word) for happiness and stability.
To say the people who don't riot disagree with those who do, simply because they are not rioting, is weak sauce my friend. Please dig deeper. No one wants to admit what is happening and all your writings ignore the workings of Islam. Install mosque, brainwash the children, install Sharia. You need a closer look, you are missing the forest for the country.
Also, as every left winger, you're happy to criticize Christianity, Judaism and "white" people but you won't do the same for Islam, "brown" people, immigrants. I assume that to be essentially "racist" as you either consider it a) punching down or b) "we" can do better but "they" cannot. In either case, you expect less of them.
Maybe threading this opinion of yours into your articles at appropriate times would be more powerful. In particular, taking serious the effect of misogyny perpetrated on girls in the UK by Pakistani men.
This absolutely wasn't the point at all. Every person in the UK who walks around in anything other than a dirty tracksuit has at some point had a chav shouting something at him, unless he studiously avoids their dwelling spaces. This is why essentially everyone hates them, wishes they would disappear, and their only supporters are online cringelords. My article was far more sympathetic in that it gives them a theoretical road to redemption.
There is absolutely no problem for frum Jews to walk around in the UK. Literally, tens of thousands of them are doing it right now and it's completely fine.
I wasn't making any sort of point about the reality of the situation in the UK, other than it seems like a good setting for such a story. A Confederacy of Dunces didn't rely on the population of New Orleans being anti-Catholic bigots and harassing Ignatius on that account.
Funniest rant on all of substack, keep em’ coming!
To be fair, at least Daryl Cooper at MartyrMade is consistent - he would say the Palestinians also had a right to be pissed about displacement from their ancient homeland and may well say the same about say the Zulu in South Africa or the Irish in Ireland. But obviously the in England class was always about race within the white race. The class hierarchy was always a race hierarchy of gypsies then jews then celts then anglo-saxons then normans with no conception that being "white" they had anything in common at all.
It's not about whether he is consistent or not, it's about the ludicrous pretence that these riots are in some way a means of 'defending their home' or 'dealing with treacherous elites'. Even if these riots were well-organised, had articulate leadership, clear goals etc. they would still be completely ineffective, but given that they are literally just lowlifes randomly breaking windows it's really grotesque self-gratification to cheer this on. It would be more edifying if he filmed himself masturbating frankly.
I do find your view interesting if I am understanding it correctly - that white supremacy is actually a less "racist" view than white nationalism is since the former can be thought of as power and flourishing disparities as just the end result of group level human capital differences but has some room to recognize that in the areas of population data overlap, you will see non-whites in part of the white supremacy structure (since every race has some share of brahmins even if the group data differs) and that is perfectly ok,. But white nationalism idiotically sees white people as a class with common interests despite human capital gulfs at the individual level within races that in the individual instance might overwhelm group differences which is the far more racist view. You can read about how white slave traders would often amicably socially mix with the elite of the African kingdoms and be impressed with their retinues, their wealth, and their nobility while herding slaves on to slave ships without any cognitive dissonance at all. Read for example about captain William Foster of the last slave ship Clotilda - meeting amicably with African princes to do the deal. Even some leftist political scientists like Adolph Reed say people overemphasize the naked racism at the core of the slave trade and argue that racism as an ideology came later, that initially the slave trade was about business transacations between cross continental elites. Or if you read John Barry's book Rising Tide about the 1929 MIssissippi flood, the local poor racist resentful white rabble was critical of the much less racist (but white supermacist) planter and business elite for preferring blacks to them because the latter had manners owing to proximity in service to white elites.
Yes. Not necessarily more or less racist. Just better. But my point here was not so much that White Nationalism is bad, though it is, but that it's completely alien to any native British tradition.
Mass coloured immigration changed all that.
How is telling the low class whites to larp as servants any less helpful than encouraging the riots? Playacting downton abbey won’t bring the old lords back.
There are right now tens of millions of service jobs being done by immigrants because they come on time, do what they are told, are polite, speak only when spoken to and accept low wages. If low class whites want not to be replaced, then that's what they have to do. If they don't want to do it, then they shall be replaced.
Guess it’s time to get rid of the white upper-classes.
It is relentlessly logical, though few in America would admit it.
In the states at least, it’s not legally possible for them to accept illegal immigrant wages.
So change the law so they can.
So change the entire government, you mean? If Ronald Reagan with a blowout majority and a huge boner for capitalism couldn’t do it…
Well, yes, if you want to be governed differently, you need to change the government; if you want to be governed entirely differently, you need to change the entire government.
So that seems more useful than telling these people to act politer.
The USA is primarily controlled by legislation. Removing minimum wage laws would mean getting a majority of congressionals to agree. They won’t. The kind of senator who would vote against minimum wage was produced by an entirely different educational system and cultural background that no longer exists. A dictator could change it if he took power and it were to his fancy, but how would that happen in America?
Minimum wage. Or other federally mandated benefits not given to illegal immigrants working clandestinely.
The seeming mystery of why intelligence and charisma are so mutually exclusive to the Chinese, I chalk up to our centuries long, cultural program of selecting only based on wordcel IQ scores
I enjoyed this entire post, but it seems you contradict yourself when you say you support white supremacy? After that entire section about how there are as many distinctions within the races as there are between the races? If so, what is the point of white supremacy? All you need is class supremacy, which is much more self-identifying, as the elite classes naturally rise to the top everywhere. Why would white supremacy be relevant to a world in which the highest IQ whites share the power with high-IQ Indians, Chinese, Nigerians?
I think that Whites have other qualities aside from intelligence that makes them equipped to rule, which Chinese in particular lack. But, yes, the truly just system would be 'mostly white supremacism'.
However, in practice, white supremacy is very unstable and wisdom dictates we decrease immigration as much as possible and try to make the best of what we have.
P.S. Check with an Arabic speaker, but I'm pretty sure it's nakba, with a ك not a ق.
Well, that's where you're wrong. If I thought English orthography and semitic phonology would bring in the punters, I'd switch to that in a flash.
Anyway, since you asked, strictly speaking, the correct spelling would be 'nacba' (as in 'tactic' or 'picnic'), however, the convention to transliterate foreign words with 'k' has become universal (hence 'karaoke' or 'kangaroo') thus 'nakba'. There is also a more modern custom to distinguish between the two 'k' sounds in semitic languages. This really took off in the early 2000s when people showed how sophisticated they were by writing Al Queda instead of Al Kyeedah. IMHO, this is a pretentious and fussy custom and I prefer the tradition English Koran over the pseud Quran. However, 'naqba' is not only pretentious, it's also wrong, and pretentious and wrong is a bad combo, which is probably why you have a two-year old Substack with a dozen subscribers 😛.
Right, that context being 'during or shortly after a war'.
Kind of scraping the barrel now. One is 500 years ago, and the other is a mad cannibal bantu king.
Was this a joke about no Anglo-Saxon and Norman’s in the riot as if you can differentiate these groups when we’re (the British) are all a mix of them.
All English are mix, but the mix is not equal. The further south and east the more Saxon and the less Celt you are. With class it’s a bit more complicated. It’s certainly the case that proportion of Norman ancestry correlates with class, but Saxon is more controversial.
I heard the distinction from East to West and South to North is mild and that the majority of Britons DNA is pre-Roman or Celt. It’s culture that (mainly) matters anyway.
Yes the majority is Celt among pretty much everyone. It was mostly a joke, but it is actually true that low class whites are likely less Saxon and have more recent Gypsie, Irish and even black admixture. This is a tu quoque argument against internet rightoids who consider them to be the truest representatives of real British people, not a major plank of the argument. More to the point, even is everyone was from one ancestor population, society would still sort itself by class based on innate intelligence, competence etc. Culture isn't just some thing that falls from the sky randomly.
But when you say recent Irish, gypsy, black admixture, they immigrated as working class migrants so their descendants are obviously going to be more likely to be in the working class now.
Just as there’s a big difference between Indian and Pakistani (and Bangladeshi) income and social class level because Indians have generally been more skilled migrants and settled in the South where it has maintained economic prosperity unlike northern mill towns for example (with high numbers of Pakistanis). Yet these groups are genetically similar.
Also when you say black, there’s a significant difference between black Caribbean and black African groups because Black Africans are more likely to have emigrated into more skilled jobs and have stronger family units and values. So it’s not genetics, they’re both West African origin.
A Jewish perspective on the North-East of England? Well I never. Very interesting read.
I think you are mistaking the goals of the "right" to be simply to "go back to how we were". That is just a strawman. Literally no one is saying this. What people want is equality, on the right too. You may find that hard to believe, but it is true.
The Right's ideals are garble of incompatible desires, most of which are, even when considered individually, stupid. One of the things they want, as you correctly say, is an arbitrarily circumscribed concept of equality. Another is to return to some better era, that usually in practice means 1990 minus the bad bits. I am saying that, instead, they should draw on the traditions of their culture and nation to provide inspiration for a better future. In the case of Britain, that means a restoration of the class system adapted for modern life.
This is more strawmen, sorry, strawpeople sprinkled with insults. Your comment does not wear well in the US. Clearly the left is still dividing people into marketing segments and then addressing them individually. Whereas Trump had the same message to every demographic and won. Maybe we are indeed in the post racial society that the Dems created, but then are still clinging to that vision as a way of winning..and they ain't.
Well written, and something to think about here in this shithole called America.
> The only social function these people ever had in the real world was to serve; take that away from them, and you took more than any Hampstead liberal ever did, or could.
England did pretty well post war when there was social mobility. Now the idiots are back in charge, as they previously were.
In any case the country could be majority British and work pretty well, as it did in the 90s.
There is an importation of American politics here though, even the term White is an import.
Kerr Starmer’s attitude to the race riots in the US is clearly different to his opinion in Britain - why was the future prime minister taking the knee based on something that happened in the US. This is subservience not to American blacks but to American Democrats. I’m good to be a vassal, he said, and well - here he is.
What are you talking about? I grew up in the 1990s, and it was universally acknowledged that chavs were a major social problem and there were millions of generationally unemployed.
I am higher IQ than you, so even after reading this as a Straussian, I can definitively state that this is complete trash.
Fetch me a beer, servant.
You’re American right?
It was the beer, wasn’t it
Yes, obvious tell.
You mentioned that the protesters would be quite Irish in origin, however I don’t think that would be case since these protesters skew heavily low socioeconomic and ‘White Irish’ is the highest earning ethnic subdivision (by quite some distance!) according to the ONS:
People who identify as White Irish on the census are not the same as Irish people who came over during the Potato famine and married into the lowest strata of society. I presume they are mostly professionals who came over in the 70s and 80s for employment, benefitting from Irish membership of the EU.
You have to assume that Irish immigrants emerged into the middle classes at the same rate as anybody else and if intermarriage were common then the poor are mixed ethnicities by now. This would explain why they don’t mark themselves as white Irish on the census - because they mostly aren’t.
No, because penniless Irish immigrants who came over in the potato famine didn't disperse throughout society, but principally into the bottom rung.
They are not mostly Irish, but they are more Irish than the average white Englishman, also more gypsie, and more black. That's not an insult, I am addressing internet Right Wingers who imagine them to be the most authentic English, when, by ancestry, a Guardian reading liberal is almost certainly more purely English than they are.
Who hurt you bro.
Also more broadly I think you’re an easterner at heart. I feel as if the eastern/western divide is whether you think life liberty and the pursuit of happiness/ equalitadad, fraternidad, is a good or heaping bullshit. The eastern mindset can be summed up as those values are sacks of shit and human nature/reality operates on hiarchy,coercion, and servitude.
I tend to want to emotionally minimize harm and maximize happiness (in that order) so I am in the western camp and oppose this eastern take. I mean you really want to be an easterner/russian/chinese? I think it’s lazy to cast you out as evil, as the world usually operates on your worldview, but it’s better to operate on the western model if possible.
It’s fun to go with the eastern camp when you intellectually masturbate your self into being superior (on whatever ground), but spoiler you’re not!!
I don't disagree with any of this, but I have no idea what it has to do with the article!
Not sure how teaching people to be of service and useful members of society isn’t minimizing harm and increasing happiness. All humans crave order. I doesn’t matter whether their ways of thinking are “Eastern” or “Western”. The problem is confusing “freedom”(what a nebulous word) for happiness and stability.
That is not how the west viewed itself prior to the French Revolution
To say the people who don't riot disagree with those who do, simply because they are not rioting, is weak sauce my friend. Please dig deeper. No one wants to admit what is happening and all your writings ignore the workings of Islam. Install mosque, brainwash the children, install Sharia. You need a closer look, you are missing the forest for the country.
Also, as every left winger, you're happy to criticize Christianity, Judaism and "white" people but you won't do the same for Islam, "brown" people, immigrants. I assume that to be essentially "racist" as you either consider it a) punching down or b) "we" can do better but "they" cannot. In either case, you expect less of them.
Islam is a crap religion for low IQ people and they shouldn't be in Europe. Are you happy now?
Maybe threading this opinion of yours into your articles at appropriate times would be more powerful. In particular, taking serious the effect of misogyny perpetrated on girls in the UK by Pakistani men.
“Cognitive and behavioural differences between classes within racial groups are real, persistent, well-demonstrated and genetic in origin.”
Citation needed!!
Sorry for the delay. This is a good start, though it's a bit out of date by now:
For updates on contemporary research, I recommend Emil Kierkegaard and Sebastian Jensen.
Baruch, why do you do this? Must we do this in public?
I have never been under any illusions of being an aristocrat. I was born a bourgeois, and I hope to die a bourgeois.
Ok, you got me. I was born a Jew. But I don't consider that an insult.
Very Ignatius J. Reilly, especially "He must envy my kappel." Now I want a farcical picaresque of a frum yid wandering modern Britain.
This absolutely wasn't the point at all. Every person in the UK who walks around in anything other than a dirty tracksuit has at some point had a chav shouting something at him, unless he studiously avoids their dwelling spaces. This is why essentially everyone hates them, wishes they would disappear, and their only supporters are online cringelords. My article was far more sympathetic in that it gives them a theoretical road to redemption.
There is absolutely no problem for frum Jews to walk around in the UK. Literally, tens of thousands of them are doing it right now and it's completely fine.
I wasn't making any sort of point about the reality of the situation in the UK, other than it seems like a good setting for such a story. A Confederacy of Dunces didn't rely on the population of New Orleans being anti-Catholic bigots and harassing Ignatius on that account.