Sep 29Liked by משכיל בינה

by the way, the word "jewsnipe" only gets you 11 results on google. i sense a golden opportunity to crown a new word into the dictionary if i were you.

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Sep 29Liked by משכיל בינה

You could copy the Turkish mosque style (which is actually the Eastern orthodox style) which has become "modern" Muslim mosque style. You can use it to flex on the Muslims. Greeks are overrated imo.

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Re: "Ashkenazi so-called intelligence is essentially effeminate and specializes in the manipulation of symbols."

There is a fringe theory by a sociologist named Christopher Badcock about imprinted genes which claims that "mechanistic" cognition (which would include spatial skills) is largely a product of paternal gene expression, whereas what he calls "mentalistic" cognition (which includes an understanding of symbolism, meaning, metaphor etc, and which he says Jews excel at over Aryans) is largely a product of maternal gene expression. HIs theory has a lot of issues, but it's still interesting.

Unfortunately, an appreciation of and ability to create beauty is not the same thing as the ability to quickly rotate shapes in one's head.

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The riff on shule architecture was worth it and I'd read a broader piece on that. I assumed all the buildings are ugly in israel because Israelis are ruthlessly pragmatic - ie for the same reason they go to a wedding in shorts. But maybe that's wrong

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They don't go to weddings in shorts because they are ruthlessly pragmatic either.

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low key practical culture no?

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It really isn't any more or less practical to dress decently. What it is basically is that people feel self conscious dressing more formally than those around them. There are then 2 sources of downwards pressure (1) really messed up people who just can't dress themselves properly and (2) people with an aversion to formality who try to push the boundary even further down.

Zionist culture has always had this aversion to formality. It's just that in the early 20th century, general culture was pretty formal, so Zionist attire was still somewhat decent. Now westerners in general dress shabbily, so Israelis take it to the hoop.

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"Ashkenazi so-called intelligence is essentially effeminate and specializes in the manipulation of symbols. The Aryan mind produces Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin, men who impose themselves upon nature through alliance of the intellect and the will. High spatial reasoning ability is a prerequisite for manly mastery, without it, you are left with the snake-tongued intellectual, the lowest of all persons"

While I get the point...the Merkava tank is arguably the best in the world and the Tavor is pretty good.

Every smartphone has Israeli/ Jewish tech in it and Waze and Facebook are Jewish inventions...oh and the polio vaccine and Nuclear bomb.

I think Jews don't suffer from

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I'm not a NAZI, for the record.

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maskil binah...Definitely not Aryan

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Einstein had extraordinary spatial intelligence, but he was totally outclassed by Von Neumann in math. Who's considered the more consequential genius?

+1 for shape rotators

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Is it true that Einstein had extraordinary spatial intelligence? (I'm not contradicting you, just asking)

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"...the creative thought process responsible for the relativity theory and all the other Einsteinian innovations was completely nonverbal and was mediated through the constructive manipulation of mentally visualized images."


"The brain regions active during visuospatial creativity are analogous to the structures that were increased in density and convolution in Einstein's brain. It is also interesting to note that these regions share many overlapping similarities with the mirror neuron network (Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004). Additionally, Einstein's left inferior parietal lobule and right SPL were unusually large and may have been responsible in part for his increased creative and spatial abilities, respectively."


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Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Don't mention it my Hebrew friend. We cold, blue-eyed northern seers never would have fallen for Pythagorean Judaism (i.e. Christianity) if it weren't for your visionary prophets.

Don't shortchange yourselves: Jews can see things in their minds, too, whether wordcel rabbis recognize this or not.

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I agree that Israeli architecture is mostly bad. However, I can't think of any contemporary architectural habits that are good. Half of Scruton's stuff is about how bad the architecture of England is, with tradition or without it.

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There is a lot of good stuff happening in western countries, both renovating old areas, and building in traditional styles according to the principles of good urbanism. Check out Samuel Hughes on Twitter and The Aesthetic City on YouTube. It's true that this is a drop in the ocean compared to the mountains of filth built everywhere since WW2, but there are some grounds for hope, and a sense in which Europe has turned the corner. In Israel it just gets worse every year, and there is no hope at all.

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I don’t see any evidence at all that Europe has “turned a corner.” Look at the skyline of London. And this is a general theme across all the arts, btw.

Where you do see some hope in Israel is in the humble yet generally pleasing style of private homes in the various moshavim. Meaning, not grand ego-filled and big-name-architect-stamped projects, but the simple red shingle home of the private family.

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Moshavim are also being ruined. I see it all the time.

Check out Samuel Hughes. Nixon once said that inflation was still going up, and the rate that it was increasing was going up, but the rate that the rate was increasing was going down. I think Europe has reached that stage architecturally.

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Sounds like you woke up with a happy song in your heart! ;)

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To be fair to Kris, I don’t think his opinion is uncommon amongst reform Jews (because in both belief and law, they hardly are. Only the ethnic/history remains) and is one of the many reasons I (and many others) moved towards Chabad.

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“A jaundiced way of phrasing it might be the criticism the New Jew makes of the Old is that he looked too much like a victim, but let us try and be a bit fairer. The real criticism is that the Old Jew was not, in addition to being a victim, also a killer.”

Your writing is complex AF, but this part above…anyone who thinks early Zionists were victims and such, are delusional. Ben-Gurion, Jabotinsky, Begin, even Weizmann. These dudes were relentless, calculated and responsible for their destinies and actions, amongst other qualities.

The synagogue I went to was atrocious in design in every way. The only good one in AZ is now a ghey event venue. It’s still a little corny, but I believe it was a Frank Lloyd Wright design anyway. I know the cool church up the street from my synagogue was designed by him. It was majestic.

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I agree about all of them except Begin. I think he must take a big share of the blame in turning Zionism from an ideology that rejected victimhood to one that wallowed in it. TBF, he went through a lot.

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Don’t know if this is on-subject…But there’s a certain victimhood that’s common to most Jews I grew up around.

It’s going to sound cliche, but our parents kept us away from cool shit in school. Shop. Auto. They said “that for low class people”. Now I weld. Now I work on vehicles. I do electrical work. I work with my hands. I take responsibility for the things I own. I trust very few people to fix anything.

You encourage only shit like being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, you’re going to have generally soft people that expect everyone else to do the hard work. Ben-Gurion is the ideal example. Labor. Work with your hands. Farmer. Builder. No excuses. You do it all with your own hands. Ben-Gurion archetype would never let someone fix his car.

Maybe not much of a point, but being a victim is decidedly American (and probably European) Jew. It’s the Jewish mother martyr mentality. If you grew up in America, you know it well. I don’t think that mentality necessarily originated from sad Jews lined up in Polish shtetls gonna ghettos. An awful lot of Polish Jews left because they saw a way to get what they wanted. They took matters into their own hands. All the early Zionists that left Poland and elsewhere to go to Mandatory Palestine, were wagging fingers at the Jews that stayed behind the whole time. They were doing that for a reason. The seeds of victimhood were kind of there. Not that there weren’t plenty of blue collar Jews in Eastern Europe, but at some point there was a general split.

Just some thoughts.

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For sure, when looking at his whole life. Early Begin though, pre-independence. Dude was an animal.

Later I can’t really comment beyond the standard story. Him and Sadat were pretty close (I could be wrong). For better or worse, he went soft to try for peace.

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I may be a minority on this, but I think a lot of modern architecture can be pretty cool. I admit; those synagogues are hideous. But the office tower/shopping center looks like something from a sci fi movie. It’s kind of cool! I love the shape, and all the glass. Makes me tingle for Howard Roark.

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I grew up in a midcentury modern house. With lime green shag carpets.

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If you ever for some reason find yourself in Cincinnati, Ohio, check out the Isaac M. Wise Reform temple. Derivative it surely is, but whatever you may think of the sectarian and/or ideological project that drove it, it is also surely beautiful.

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Jewish genes are great. No peasant heritage whatsoever, less susceptibility to alcoholism and self destruction, original thinking and obviously high IQ. The downside is a tendency towards zealotry and paranoia; however, a virtuous upbringing can control those two fairly effectively, also outside of ideological discussions zealotry hardly matters.

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Relax buddy, we goyims are sometimes jealous of our Jewish masters but there is a good reason you are at the top despite the numerous centuries of hate. Many goyims appreciate all the contributions of the Jews, me included. Maybe just try asking your brothers and sisters promoting immigration and writing the « we need to do better, fellow whites» or « why making children suck »(in Europe/usa ofc) articles so that you might have even more friends.

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What's the quote from? The benjamin franklin one?

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I am such a stereotypical Ashkey I can't figure out why architecture is that important. I like the concept of beautiful things but they don't really change my mood look like they are supposed to. I try to understand art- every time I go to the museum all I can think about is how much the paintings cost.

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Thankyou for sharing. I wonder how many people/Jews are like this. I would guess it's at least 5%. If all such people just agree that beauty is good as a concept and understand the need to promote it, but that they can't really contribute to that, then we can make more progress.

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Any country where old people are overly respected and young people protected will inevitably turn mawkish, even when under serious military threat.

Only a select few know their own hero's journey ends in middle age and, probably, most never even start it, so they devour their young, and the other young too, with their neurotic demands and neediness.

Israel does better on this from than most.

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