> Relatedly, perhaps the most important thing about Trump is his unique ability to use mass media to tell rightoids what to think.

I agree this is the case, but my sense is this only works if the rightoids sufficiently plugged in to the American media ecosystem. Which usually means they're either American themselves, or terminally online. I don't even think Dutch rightoids are all that Trump-loyal. So I'm skeptical that Israeli rightoids would be much affected. But I don't know much about the Israeli media environment so who knows.

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There are various groups. English-speaking groups are a minority, but quite an influential one. The Sephardi rabbinic elite mostly doesn't actually want to be militaristic, but feels it has no choice, and would happily take a different one if offered. There's what to work with.

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Points 4 and 6 crack me up even though as a Brit with minimal interactions with Jewish ppl, much less Jewish Americans, I get the gist.

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>And, by the same token, the Jew he loves isn’t halachic man or the Buberesque wise and weary chossid, it’s accountants who know all the loopholes, and dodgy slum landlords, and corrupt Lubavitch Rabbis and the fatso who eats all the herring at the kiddush.


When Japan was exposed to anti-Semitic propaganda including The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, they reacted positively and tried to brings Jews into their empire.

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In China they sell self-help books on how to emulate Jews. I think Asians are just culturally less resentful.


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The glorious core of the "plan" is not really the plan, but its meaning - legitimizing the resettlement of incompatible populations. Israel can now work industriously and continuously towards sending the Palestinians away. The English, French, and Italians would be wise to do the same with their own infelicitous demographic groups. The rules have changed, "international law" has changed, and so there is a chance to make things better.

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The biggest obstacle to this going through is finding someone who will take the Palestinians. It will take pressure, because no one wants them (a fair concern).

I think they should target Qatar.

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#4 could be summed up very simply.

He is an authentic New Yorker.

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Not merely a New Yorker, but a NYer from Queens, an outer borough with zero prestige.


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Sounds pretty Zionist to me!

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Trump had a great idea in NYC to pay for NYC's dystopian housing projects in cash. He was howled down. This is like that, but better.

It's not only a great idea, it's the only thing that will enable the Middle East to break free of the paralyzing, poisonous vise of Palestinian nationalism.

But as they say, be careful what you wish for: you may get it.

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I don't really understand what you are saying in this piece. Yes. Nationalism sucks but I'm not sure you can cure it by enforceable ethnic cleansing. Trump's "plan" is likely just to drum up more of it.

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I have no clue how this is going to shake out. But forcing Tucker Carlson into an increasing uncomfortable spot where he has to disingenuously vacillate between support for Israel and hatred of Israel is a welcome development.

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Have you seen Rafi DeMogge’s recent Mosaic article? Some similar themes to your take on Bibi’s philosophy of Zionism:

To Save Itself from International Isolation, Israel Must Hold On to the West Bank: The diplomatic case against territorial concessions


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Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Trump, whose right hand I have holden to subdue nations before him. I have gone before thee to loose the strong-knit loins of mighty kings, make straight the crooked places, break in pieces the gates of solid brass, and cut in sunder the bar of iron. For my servant's sake, Israel my chosen, though thou hath not known me.

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To be fair, Chananya Weissman was banging on about american boots on the ground, so in a way he predicted this. From a different perspective, NLF did here: Predicition 15 https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/2024-predictions-review-and-2025?

Otherwise, there isn't much to say about Puerto Rabbinico, because the details are too scare.

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NLF predicted a Greater Israel including half of Iraq, and most of Syria.

Predictions of American boots on the ground are vindicated as and when there are American boots on the ground.

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No no, he laid it out here in detail: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/on-the-end-times-and-the-antichrist - ackowledgedes it's a long term view.

Look, he's obviously wrong about the metaphysics of it all, but he connects dots well. You can say it's a Nostradamus fluke/illusion or whatever, but still...

I mean, pre-election I called Trump not being a saviour (in a narrow sense) and I looked good for two minutes after the peace deal which had everybody crying bitter tears, but now the Current Thing is to whoop with joy.

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My view is that the evacuation of Gaza and the annexation of the WB is not actually going to happen, and this is therefore not an accurate prediction. Of course, if hey do happen, we'll revisit.

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At least we should Aim for success. regardless of what you think will end up happening.

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"Maybe I’m deluding myself, but the sense I get is that Palestinian media apparatus is in disarray and doesn’t know what to do."

Not really. I think the mood is more that if only they were *more* vocal, everything would have been different, and that the key right now is to ensure that the next Democratic nominee is as anti-Israel as Trump is pro: https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/bernie-would-have-won Here's Al Jazeera from before the election: https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/11/4/kamala-harriss-last-ditch-push-to-convince-voters-angry-over-gaza-war


More broadly, there's a parallel here to the Republican party's attempt in the wake of Mitt Romney's loss to Obama in 2012 to 'emphasize directing messaging toward Hispanic and Latino Americans,' 'limit its rhetoric on immigration policy,' and 'appeal to younger voters by reducing social conservatism in the party.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_%26_Opportunity_Project#Messaging . We all know how that all ended up. There's no guarantee that come 2028, we won't get an Ilhan Omar type as nominee. And there's no guarantee that such a nominee wouldn't win and then start following Ireland's foreign policy https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/07/middleeast/ireland-genocide-israel-icj-intl-latam/index.html

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I don't think the Trump admin intends on allowing there to be another election.

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I really don't want to get sucked into debating American politics. I'll just say that I'm extremely confident that there will be a bitterly contested midterms in 2026 and a bitterly contested presidential election in 2028.

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I recommend digging into a few episodes at random to see how all the sound and fury amounted to nothing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Donald_Trump_presidencies (That's not a pro or anti Trump point. It's simply an observation of how things tend to loom large in the moment before fading into the next Drudge banner headline.)

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"On top of that, a lot of pro-Palestinian advocates who promoted voting Trump or not voting at all now look supernaturally dumb."

Not really. To the extent they were trying to send a message to Democrats, it worked.


“We’ve been warning the Democrats for over a year now, and the Democrats continue to downplay what’s going on.

He added that Harris’s main message to the Arab community was to warn of the dangers of a Trump presidency. This tactic failed to work as voters in the area were laser-focused on the continuing war in the Middle East that affected many of them personally."


On top of that, to the extent you think a ceasefire was the most important thing for Gazans, and to the extent you think Trump played a role in making it happened, supporting him has actually paid off.

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Ha! I just clicked through and got taken to a gov.il page telling me I'm forbidden to look. But I can guess what it says and I think it's cope. 'Arabs for Trump' has literally renamed itself so it can do this 'we were just trying to send a message'. I think in as much as a message was sent it's that Arabs are tedious, annoying, stupid and it's pointless trying to deal with or appease them.

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I didnt get the hebrew letters. Google translated into "Esau hates Jacob", ig that's from Exodus? What means?

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Sorry, went overboard with the Jewcode. See here for details: https://www.thetorah.com/article/esau-hates-jacob-but-is-antisemitism-a-halakha

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If you review my comments I'm pretty sure I did predict it. It would have been great if we would have prepared for this moment. It's questionable whether we can gather the political will to just say yes on time to take advantage.

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Sounds like you should be a big shot pundit.

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does it pay well? Health Benefits?

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